Middletown, Rhode Island

Let’s face it most structures leak! Whether it’s roof, plumbing or window leak there is one thing in common – they create damage to the structure.
There are three phases to leak repair and only a contractor with years of experience can perform all three and perform them well:
Locating the leak
Fixing the leak
Fixing the damage caused by the leak
J Nuzzo Construction is an authority and specialists on leak repair. If you own a home, multi-family or condominium or other structure we can help. Even if other contractors have attempted to repair the leak and failed you won’t have to ever again worry “will they get it right this time”.
Even for an experienced contractor leaks can be a challenge to find. Water and wind tend to create their own path. Where the leak is visible is not necessarily where the leak is. It takes years of hand-on experience to learn about leaks and how to correct them. Our leak repair technician is trained in special skills to tackle leaks.
Leaks occur even the best built buildings. Wind and water infiltration are two of the most frustrating things to homeowner and contractors alike. Rest assured we will locate, stop and repair damage from the leak. And, we guarantee it! You won’t ever have to think about it again. Request a consultation >

For more information on how we can help with your next project call 401-644-5709 or email info@jnuzzo.com